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About the website and the project

Erasmus Plus Programme 2014-2020

KA 2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices

Strategic Partnership for Youth

The project idea was born out of a need to improve the methods of educational youth work in order to engage young people in local community activities, active civic and democratic participation such as volunteering, membership in NGOs, youth councils as well as using the Internet as a way to civic involvement. To achieve that, the partnership seeks to provide youth educators with knowledge, methodology and attitudes to make their work in the described area more efficient. Precisely due to the efficiency of the project, we plan to involve young people as experts in solving problems that affect them and their peers.

Partnership organizations (The Umbrella Foundation, The Lithuanian Youth Centre, Czech Council of Children and Youth - CRDM) implement educational activities to develop key competences among young citizens in forms of non-formal education. According to the illustrative data and on the base on own experience, the partnership aims to:

  • promote empowerment, participation and the active citizenship of young people,
  • support young people to put their ideas into practice with a view to tackling challenges and problems identified within their communities,
  • internationalise youth work, professionalise those who work with youth and to develop their competences,
  • promote stronger coherence between different EU and national transparency and recognition tools, so as to ensure that skills and qualifications can be recognised across borders.

To achieve this goal the partnership developed, tested and approved the Social and civic competences’ innovative educational Pathway, which consist of three parts:

  1. raising the level of skills that will be useful/helpful for social involvement/participation of youth;
  2. motivation, support and encouraging young people to engage into initiatives groups, non-governmental organizations, volunteering, youth councils;
  3. motivation, support and encouraging young people to use interaction via the Internet and its services (with emphasis on social media) for their social involvement/participation.

In order to elaborate the final results of the project, the partnership worked by the “step-by-step” method:

  1. “State of art” research
  2. Design and development of the Pathway
  3. Implementation of pilot testing among youth
  4. Improvement of the output
  5. Dissemination and exploitation of the final result

Training activities which we implemented during the project timeline:

  • three short-term joint staff training events (for 15 professional each) in every partnership organization to exchange practices on how to work with young people,
  • three blended mobilities for youth (for 15 learners each) to involve them as experts in creation of the Intellectual output.

To make our work more effective, we decided to implement short-term joint staff training events and blended mobilities for youth at the same time.

If you are curious what we have done during training activities, please, read on:

First short-term joint staff training events and blended mobilities for youth in Wrocław, Poland

Second short-term joint staff training events and blended mobilities for youth in Vilnius,

Third short-term joint staff training events and blended mobilities for youth in Náměšť nad Oslavou, Czech Republic

Projec's Total Duration: 02. 11. 2015 - 02. 11. 2017

Projec's target groups:

  • Young people (both those who already are active, as well as those who are not, with emphasis on youth with fewer opportunities (including NEETs)
  • Youth educators and youth workers

There is a lack of cooperation between providers of similar actions for youth in partnership countries and the experience of other countries in this regard is not taken in consideration as well. Certain types of youth activities are developed to varying degrees in different European countries. So it is important to gather this experience and adapt it to other countries. That is the reason why the project is carried out in a transnational way.